This experiment consists of a series of surveys designed to measure attitudes toward life span extension as well as attitudes toward death. It is

December 18th 2008 - February 18th 2009

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In this survey you will be asked about your degree of sexual attraction to a number of attributes of the human body. You will also

Hanna Aronsson

Centre for the study of cultural evolution, Stockholm University

December 11th 2008 - February 11th 2009

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What kinds of information do we use in our everyday language comprehension? Word order, general knowledge, intonation, emotion... and plausibility. If you hear a restaurant

Elizabeth Johnson, Jesse Snedeker

Harvard University

April 24th 2008 - June 24th 2008

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The study examines parents' reponses to questions concerning a series of hypothetical situations in which they imagine their 6-10 year old child displaying anger or

Rebecca Moore

University of Ottawa

November 14th 2007 - January 14th 2008

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My research is looking at influences on the development of gender and sexuality. I am looking to recruit people to participate in this research, which

Jaimie Veale

Massey University

October 12th 2007 - December 12th 2007

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Identify properties of faces - gender and emotion. The study takes 5-10 minutes to complete, and individuals age 8 to 80 years old can participate.

Nicholas Cepeda

York University

March 27th 2007 - May 27th 2007

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This survey explores the relative importance of three parts of the female body as sexual stimuli. It also investigates whether preferences for typical sexual stimuli

Hanna Aronsson

Stockholm University

January 12th 2007 - March 12th 2007

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Diplomarbeit über die Veränderung der Vater-Kind-Beziehung nach einer Scheidung bzw. Trennung aus Sicht der Väter - Väter gesucht, die nicht mit ihren Kindern zusammenleben und

Susi Mühlhausen und Nina Schubert

Abteilung für Entwicklungspsychologie der TU Braunschweig

May 22nd 2006 - July 22nd 2006

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The study is looking at the link between the way we experience our childhood and the impact it can have on our current adult lives.

Wendy Croft

University of East Anglia, UK

April 11th 2006 - June 11th 2006

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What factors contribute to the success and quality of gay male relationships? Limited research has been conducted in this area but this unique new research

Nicolas Warner

Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Argosy University Chicago, USA

January 26th 2006 - March 26th 2006

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